• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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This story is a sequel to The Lunar Rebellion

When Queen Celestia has to temporarily leave Equestria on business, she needs someone to look over the kingdom in her absence. Much to everyone's surprise, she chooses the ambitious Sunbeam Sparkle to serve as her regent rather than the steadfast and loyal Shadow Kicker.

However, Sunbeam has little time to ponder why her monarch chose her. The Golden Path of Freeport, a corrupt regime ruled by false gods, sees Celestia's absence as an opportunity. Now Sunbeam must face a foe that claims to be every bit Celestia's equal, and with no divine powers of her own...

Chapters (6)

By royal request, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity travel to far-off Perytonia to establish ties between Equestria and a strange new people.

Plunged deep into an alien culture with its own history, understanding the native peryton is only part of the challenge. As Rainbow Dash discovers, navigating her own relationship with her oldest friend may be harder still.

A season two story.

Chapters (49)

This story is a sequel to Freeport Venture: Blood and Iron

War rages throughout Equestria. The return of the Crystal Empire has seen years of strife and millions dead as Princess Celestia’s forces strain against Sombra's seemingly endless hordes.

However, the entry of Freeport’s forces turn the tide in Equestria’s favor. Archon Sunset Shimmer and her army smash into the fray, breaking the long, brutal siege of Manehattan and shifting the balance in Equestria’s favor. With Sombra's army falling back to his home territories, there's finally reason to hope again.

If only they knew something far, far worse than Sombra loomed on the horizon.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Damaged Goods

It's easy to believe in second chances. Twilight Sparkle has certainly witnessed and even offered several of them in her life, but never before has it been so personal. She's been hurt before, but never by ponies she loved so much.

Now, as feelings turn sour and love grows cold, Twilight must uncover the answer to a delicate question: what does it mean to forgive?

And how does it relate to Discord?

The fifth installment in Single Point. Credit to Meta Four for proofreading.

Chapters (17)

Captain Flowers thought it would be just another ordinary day. Be there for his men, keep the fighting to a minimum, and make sure nothing bad whatsoever happened to Church. Just like any other day in Bloodgulch.
And then the little pony appeared and refused to let go of his charge. This was going to be interesting...

Part of the PWNY-verse.

Another side of the story is being written by cyberlord4444, and can be found here: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/386172/rock-in-the-gulch-analysis-anarchy

Edit: New Cover Art by ProfessorCatPro
Edit 2: Fan art by Cookie_Girl! So adorable!

Chapters (61)

This story is a sequel to Tempest's Princess

Tempest and Twilight couldn't be happier with there love life till Tempest gives birth to their new son Ben Sparkle

Chapters (1)

Herman always believed that ponies were an exceedingly friendly bunch, and he figured it was in their nature to be open and kind to all strangers—even to those of different races. But what if he was wrong? What if there was another explanation?

He mentions this fact in his memoirs, but shortly after he sends them to be published he is informed that the Royal Guard wants him for questioning in Canterlot.

Additional notes:
-Equestria Girls is not canon
Proofread by: Eckaji, Snakeskin Ducttape, Javarod, ROBCakeran53, and PresentPerfect
Artwork by: Ruirik
Featured on Equestria Daily
Review link: PresentPerfect and PaulAsaran

Chapters (8)

Sunset and Adagio are forced to work together after meeting the G-team a group of people with an incredibly interesting set of skills. And four of the biggest secrets in the world.

(New Cover Made by the PMB-Brony Thanks again sorry it awhile to get up still getting used to using this website.)

Chapters (23)

Unwilling to wait another 40 years to meet her friends again, Twilight is considering time magic to try and drag Legendary three's time to her own and then reset the anchor. But with uncertainty and a hesitant leader of Equestria there are more than just a few simple obstacles in her way. Can Twilight really move time with certainty? Will she succeed in convincing others to help her? And if she actually manages to move time and open the gateway what really will lay before her on such an uncertain pathway?
Lets find out shall we?

This is a sequel to Equestrian Scrolls I: Epic Pony Tales I recommend you read it first if you haven't.

Official edited by the amazing and talented PixelReality

And here is some art donated to the cause by the wonderful and talented Leftover of Saikano who was kind enough to give this elder scrolls ish themed piece.

It was not what I needed for my story but it was too wonderful to pass up.

Chapters (7)

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy— and what might happen if she finds out Fluttershy feels the same way about her?
Rated Teen for moments of sensuality, foreplay, and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.
Assistance by Karrakaz, Blue_Paladin42, TheGreatEater, Setokaiva, Squinty Mudmane, Aurora, Starfall, and Ariamaki.
Cover Image by Megasweet, used with permission.
Image colored by Explosivegent.
Additional graphical design by Novel-Idea.
TV Tropes page can be found here, credited to Winter Lily.

Chapters (75)